住房優惠(電話預約) - 2024 維醺秋遊假期住房專案



立即預訂 保證最優惠價格
2024 維醺秋遊假期住房專案


專案一: 國人雙人不含早餐住房優惠專案 ,售價NT$4,299net


專案二: 大直維多麗亞輕奢華逍遙遊雙人住房專案 ,售價NT$6,299net 


  • 豪華客房住宿一晚
  • La FESTA早餐兩客
  • La FESTA指定酒單無限暢飲
  • 使用時間:
    • 每日下午15:00pm-22:00pm(當日Check in 後)
    • 每日上午11:00am-13:00pm(當日Check out後)

La Festa指定酒單如下:



  • ※以上專案價格已內含5%稅金及10%服務費。
  • ※銷售日期: 即日起至2024年10月31日(四)止
  • ※住宿日期: 2024年09月16日(一)至2024年11月01日(Check out date)
  • ※加價日期: 逢週六,每晚加價NT$1,000 net。
  • ※專案升等時尚客房,每晚價格加$600 net (視該日住房狀況提供)。
  • ※專案升等寰宇客房,每晚價格加$1,000 net (視該日住房狀況提供)。
  • ※專案等菁英商務客房,每晚價格加$1,500 net (視該日住房狀況提供)。
  • ※專案餐食須於入住期間使用完畢,逾期視同放棄,不得要求退費或延期使用。
  • ※銷售通路【電話】訂房,本專案僅限國人或持外僑居留證使用。 訂房專線:02-6602-5168,每日9:00~17:00
  • ※付款方式:本專案採信用卡預先押卡,入住後現場結算房費。
  • ※本專案需於入住前一天預訂。
  • ※訂單取消:–預定住宿日48小時前可免費取消


Indulge in Your “Vi-Cheers” Getaway!

Perfect for intimate gatherings with your loved one, our “Vi-Cheers” getaway offers a luxurious experience. 


Package 1: Local Resident Package (Accommodation Only)

  • Includes a one-night stay in Deluxe Room
  • Price at NT$4,299 per night (including tax and service fee)


Package 2: Vi-Cheers Getaway for Two

  • One-night stay in a Deluxe Room
  • Two breakfasts at La FESTA
  • Unlimited consumption of our curated drink list.
    • Available from 3 pm-10 pm (After Check-in) and 11 am-1 pm (After Check-out)
    • Drinks include: 
      • Selection of red and white wines 
      • Grand Victoria Hotel’s signature cocktails
      • Assorted beers (Heineken & Taiwan Beer)
      • Sparkling water
      • Soft drinks
      • Nuts, Chips and Crackers
  • Price at NT$6,299 per night (including tax and service fee)


Additional Details:

  • All prices include a 5% tax and 10% service charge.
  • Sales Period: Now until October 31st, 3024
  • Stay Period: September 16th. 2024 until November 1st, 2024
  • Weekend Surcharge: NT$1,000 Per night (Apply to all Saturdays)
  • Room Upgrade: Available with an additional fee and subject to availability
    • Boutique Room: additional NT$600 per night
    • Premier Room: additional NT$1,000 per night
    • Executive Room: additional NT%1,500 per night
  • Food & Beverage: Must be consumed during your stay

Please Contact 02-6602-5168 for reservations (available from 9 am-5 pm). 

These Packages are limited to domestic residents or those with alien resident certificates only.

  • Payment: Pre-authorization is required, payment needs to be made upon check-in
  • Cancellation policy: Free Cancellation 48 hours before arrival. A full night’s stay will be charged if any cancellation occurs within 48 hours before arrival.